Located in Friendsville, Tennessee, Rocky Park Farm was founded in 2014.
Our mission: To be part of the supply of naturally grown produce in Blount County, Tennessee.


Rocky Park Farm Produce is grown using natural, organic, and sustainable practices.
We grow year-round which is possible through the use of greenhouses.
In the growing seasons, we also grow in our fields and fruit orchards.

We’ll let our freshly harvested produce speak for itself!

Click here to see what’s available at the farm stand from week to week!

Flora & Fauna

We grow and sell beautiful plants, herbs, and plant starts!
Learn more here.


We sell locally handmade (delicious) traditional (authentic) tamales, supplied by long-time and trusted friends of the farm family.
Click here to order, or stop by the farm stand Monday – Friday to pick some up.

Hyperlocal Honey

Our beekeeper keeps buzzy with the hives located on the farm. The pollinators include native flowers, our apple and peach orchard, and sourwood. The results…well, let’s just say the honey sells fast! (You can find it at our farm stand.) Our beekeeper also brings us other products made from his (local) hives.