Author: rockyparkfarm

Rocky Park Farm’s Mission Has Always Been About Education

Rocky Park Farm has a heart for students and a long-term mission has been to…

The Sustainable Practice of Rainwater Harvesting

One of the many ways that Rocky Park Farm practices sustainable farming is through rainwater…

Honoring Our Longest Farm Family Member

This summer we undertook some beautification projects around the farm, the biggest of which was…

Produce spotlight: Thornless Blackberries

Lucious blackberries are considered a versatile summertime staple. Some could say they are even a…

Produce Spotlight: Watercress

We have been pleasantly surprised by the interest our customers have shown in Watercress, which…

Intern Spotlight: Justice Williams

We do not know how but Rocky Park Farm (RPF) was blessed with the presence…

Zachary Cheshire Joins the Rocky Park Farm Team

Rocky Park Farm is pleased to announce that a familiar face has joined our farm…

A New Greenhouse Brings a New Landscape

Our growing season may be in transition and the produce sales quiet, but things at…

2023 Farm Initiatives

In 2023 Rocky Park Farm introduced a new initiative called the Family Garden Experience. Our…